Part One: 2 Nights - 2 Boys - 2 Outcomes
When it rains, well... you know how it goes.
Drinking elbow-to-elbow with a former friend-with-privileges (FWP), things were run of the mill until a round of tequila shots went down. Quickly conversation morphed into confession central. The FWP mentions that I was #2 of 5 girls he's ever slept with. In complete disbelief that he’s only slept with 5 girls, our conversation lingered around the topic of our previous indiscretions perhaps a moment too long.
(Such talk with a FWP is a very slippery slope for an alcohol-fueled Friday night.)
Our fate was decided when we returned to our friend’s house to find the living room couch pulled out and made up for our impromptu slumber party. Quickly tracking back to old habits, we were on… around… or just past (wink) third base when I had a moment of clarity beyond the oh-that-feels-really-good to we-probably-shouldn’t-do-that.
Woke up around noon still in bed cuddled up with FWP. Later that afternoon, we went our separate ways without major drama. Just the usual… See you. No plans. No numbers exchanged. No faux-promises.
The best part of an FWP is that if you back track to old habits, no problem. Your “number” remains constant, there no relationship baggage, everything is just about having a throw-down good time.
(Now if only I could get Saturday night’s guy – and regular date - to attempt a throw down. I’d be a much happier person. But that’s a post for another day.)
Did you have "the talk" ???
Nice job Elle setting up Part Two of the story... I am still trying to figure out how to address the issue, since some people who read the blog know him...
i would like to hear bout "the talk"... those are usually awkward...
FWP. so tough for me. (but there are extenuating circumstances to mine.)
can't wait to hear about the other part!
i wonder why my friends dont pull out a couch for me when i visit.
do i snore?
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